In a conference room, Travis addresses a committee. SANDY: Potlucks, or barbecues, or you know, Relay for Life. A sign reads “You’re Invited to the Duluth Beach Party BBQ.” A string of pineapples cut out on paper hangs from a wooden counter. Sandy speaks in voiceover as an employee carries a tray of food through a cafeteria. SANDY: One being the site mayor, and the other being the voice of the employee program. SANDY: Travis is the associate director over two employee experience programs. A woman with shoulder-length hair, Sandy, speaks in voiceover.

Inside the building, a placard resting on a desk reads “Travis Hill, UHC Operations.” Travis, a middle-aged man with glasses and a goatee, works on a computer. A sign on the side of a beige office building reads “UnitedHealthcare.” Text appears.